Monday, August 31, 2009

I Lied

This is Morgan's very first super fun Bath.

So these pictures actually came before the last set of pictures I posed. These were taken on July 17th, 2009.

He wasn't so sure he liked the shampoo part.

Morgan now gets baths every single night as part of his bed-time routine. Every night he gets a soap bath or an oatmeal bath, followed by a warm oil massage before bed time. What a lucky guy.
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Previously Unreleased

These pictures are from July 22nd, 2009 almost a month after he was born. Other than the hospital and ariving home photos these are the next on the timeline.

Here we see Morgan in his first sleeping vessel. A really old (you can't tell) cradle, that was part of Bekah's family dating way back. We stuck shoes under the rockers beacuse it wasn't really safe to leave him in there at night, it might rock to one side and he could roll over and bad things... Anyway, we ended up padding around the edges as well to be on the super safe side. We were not very happy with this sleeping vessel and eventually changed to a co-sleeper that we put between us on the bed.

He sure likes to stare at camera's.

What a Yawn!
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Re-Organizing Things

It's true I have been having troubles keeping the blog updated with pictures, but NO MORE! Niko has gone to great lengths to re-organize my shirt drawer so that I can continue to provide frequent updates, rather than once in a while floods.

So from now on, when something comes off the camera, it goes onto the blog as well. Oh, Niko wanted me to remind you that Morgan has made his second YouTube appearance, and judging by the statistics on YouTube everyone has (Illinois and Missouri the most). The links should be up near the top of the page. Hopefully more will come as he is cooing and learning his vowels.
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Blog Is Staying

Nope, I am going to stick with the blog.